Monday, November 8, 2010

Habitat For Humanity

For anyone who knows me, the sight of me wielding a hammer or, sakes alive, a power tool, is enough to send them away screaming.

I'm not handy. I've tried. I've read numerous books. I've studied my share of Ikea instructions. I even took a woodworking course once. And by once I mean I went to one class - after my first lesson on the band saw I was entirely certain I was going to lop off a limb. I've grown attached to my limbs. (I still plan on building a bat house one day, but it may have to constructed out of popsicle sticks.) I admire it in others, but handiness just isn't a talent I possess.

Because of this "handy-lessness", I never thought I'd get to volunteer for a Habitat For Humanity build. Habitat For Humanity ( / is a wonderful organization and I've always wanted to lend a hand. Never thought it would happen. And then my friend Stef, who has volunteered with Humanity a number of times, forwarded some information about Humanity looking for volunteer photographers. Perfect!

Short story shorter, I was able to volunteer for Toronto's inaugural ReTooling Build in September.

And my heart grew three sizes.

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