Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Greetings From My Planet To Yours

Well here it is (www.heatherpollock.com). A real website. With pictures and everything. Santa must have left it for me, although I'm not certain how good I've been this past year. Perhaps just "good enough" is good enough. If I was really good, though, surely it would have turned out to be the "scratch 'n sniff" website I asked for in my annual letter.

It's a cold January day, and I suppose like many of my fellow Canadians it makes my mind wander like a moth to a flame -- flitting here and there, here and there, but always toward the light. Thoughts of sunshine and warmth keep popping into my head and gathering together there, held in snuggly by my woolen toque. Hence the rather dramatic photo of the cottage lake. Just a reminder to myself that summer will return, and it won't always be dark at 5pm.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Heather! Remember me? It's Chantal, from IDP!
    Just thought I'd tell you not over facebook that your website is unbelievable, and I want more.
    Also, I should inform you that I will be subscribing to your blog because spending a moment or two in your brain is like spending eternity in candy land (a very good thing, I might add). See ya on the flip side!
